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Joshua Radin on His New Album + the Freedom of Independence

May 7, 2013

Today marks the release of Joshua Radin’s fifth studio album, Wax Wings, released independently by the singer-songwriter through TuneCore.  We got a chance to ask Radin a few questions about his new album, why his independence is important to him, and the role social media plays in his marketing efforts.

Congrats on the release of your new album Wax Wings which hit stores today! Can you tell us a little about the inspiration for the album?

This album is the story of a romance – the love of my life. Since it’s been five or six years, I have a new perceptive on the relationship and I decided to write a record about the way I see it now.

Why is in important for you to be an independent artist?

I don’t like authority. I hate having too many cooks in the kitchen. Now I’m the only cook and I am loving the freedom. I can release my second album in a year, which I would never have been able to do on a label.

Do you consider social media an important piece in artist promotion?

Social media allows artists to reach more people in a more direct manner than ever before.  As an independent artist, interacting and growing your social media fan base is crucial.  It is the main tool used by independent artists to get the word out about a tour or new release.  I’m extremely excited to release music directly to my fans in a quick, efficient manner, and social media allows me to let them know about it with the click of a button.

What can we look forward to next?
More songs I guess. Ha. I just keep writing and hopefully people will stay interested in me as an artist.

Download Wax Wings from iTunes

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