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5 Things to Do to Keep from Getting Bored on the Road

July 16, 2014

Last week rock duo 7Horse shared with us how they stay organized on tour.  So now that you’re organizationally set for your string of summer shows, you’re going to want to make sure you don’t get bored while the miles pass by.  Nashville-based grunge/punk rockers The Nearly Deads are pretty comfortable when it comes to touring, and over the years they’ve come up with a few ways to keep things interesting between shows.

What’s up?  TJ here, lead singer of Nashville, TN band The Nearly Deads!  Being a DIY band is hard work, but it comes with a lot of rewards.  Touring relentlessly, sleeping in a hot van, and making 10 hour drives is all worth it when we see our fans’ smiling faces every single night.  We are so lucky to be able to do what we do—travel the country, meet cool people, and share our music, night after night.  For all you DIY musicians out there, here’s a look at what we do to keep from getting bored on the road…

1. Use Tinder

Nothing says ego boost like opening up your phone to a ton of matches!  The dudes in my band troll Tinder so much.  You can definitely kill an hour or two browsing pics.  My bandmates act like they’re getting potential fans to come to our shows, since it lets you search by proximity, but I know what’s really going on.  So to all the ladies out there, look em’ up!


2. Make Time for a Nap

Whew! Working really hard for one hour a night is sure EXHAUSTING!  Actually, when you run your own business from the road, hustle merchandise, manage your finances, do interviews, blogs, and search for WiFi all across the country, it can get pretty busy.  We work 24 hours a day—not just one—as my grandma thinks.  So, beauty sleep is important.  Kevin usually sleeps with his headphones plugged into his super-rad iPhone 10.  As for me, because I’m a vocalist, sleep is extremely important!  Not only will you be cranky and hate each other all day if you don’t get enough sleep, your performances will suffer.  So, we like to catch winks when we can. Sometimes you play until 3 am and then have a gig in the next town, leading to an overnight drive and not enough sleep.  Nap it out, yo!


3. Pose for Selfies

How will your loved ones back home know what you’re doing or if you’re alive/having fun without a CONSTANT stream of selfies from all over the country?  I would personally like to thank Mixi from Stitched Up Heart for teaching me ‘The Art of The Selfie.’  I now consider myself a professional selfie-taker.  Fans always come up with really creative goofy faces for selfies as well, so accept it, people.  Selfies are here to stay.  In all honesty, keeping in touch with friends and family and sharing your adventures is not just a good time-buster, it’s also a way to keep from going insane when you’re around the same sweaty people 24 hours a day for months on end.  So extend that arm and give your best duckface!


4. Don’t Forget to Primp

I’m a girl, ok?  I need my girl time.  I need to feel pretty.  I make it a point to take time for myself when we’re on the road, whether it’s turning on the car adapter and straightening my hair in the passenger seat, or taking 2 hours in the Pilot Travel Center shower (only $12 and so worth it) to do a full blow-out.  I’ve also been known to get mani-pedis complete with scrubs and massage chairs while we’re out on the road.  So, if I’m bored, I’ll do my nails, spend extra time with my makeup, or just zen out while poofing and swooping. #hairsprayfordays


5. Sweat it Out

Nothing says ‘tour’ like peeling your hot, sweaty thighs from a boiling leather car seat.  Ah, the glamorous life.  Even if your van’s AC actually works, it probably sucks half the time.  Try hauling your gear a half mile during Warped Tour in 97 degree heat.  Try sleeping in your van in Miami in June.  We do it ALL!  FOR THE KIDS!  FOR THE MUSIC! PUNK ROCK LIFE FOREVER!  Sweating isn’t just something we do to kill time, it’s something we do 24/7.  Honestly, the guys sweat way more than me, because they also work out on the road.  We have weights, resistance bands, a yoga mat, and a jumprope that, regrettably, never gets used.  #readyandsweaty


Hope that gives you some good ideas about what to do with your spare time while you’re out there livin’ the dream, man!  Stay chill, zombies.  And don’t forget to pick up our latest record Invisible Tonight, and keep up with us on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter!

How do you keep from getting bored on the road?  Share your own tips in the comments…

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